Saturday 9 December 2017

11th December 2017 Monday Night WWE Raw Seth rollins dean ambrose Vs Seamus Secaro And New Days gang WWE

Seth rollins dean ambrose Vs Seamus Secaro And New Days gang WWE

Sheamus and Cesaro capitalised on the arrival of some unwanted guests to claim the WWE Raw Tag Team titles from Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in the main event on Monday night's Raw.

Granted a final opportunity against the champions by Raw general manager Kurt Angle, Sheamus and Cesaro looked on the brink of another defeat when The New Day arrived, claiming they were leading another SmackDown Live invasion of Raw.

Backstage, Angle called a 'code blue', rallying his troops to ringside. But as they chased off The New Day, Sheamus capitalised on the chaos to floor Rollins with a Brogue Kick and snatch the gold.

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